VIKI Viktoria (aka VIKI) is the pseudonym of Detroit multidisciplinary artist, improvisor and composer Lindsay Karty, whose work involves historic and contemporary electronics, custom circuitry, sound spatiaization and language experiments into combinations of live and telematic performance. VIKI formed from the same pond of DIY electronics as Wolf Eyes, Maximum Cloud, Nautical Almanac and went on to obtain an MFA, studying with composer Pauline Oliveros. Karty continues to host Deep Listening events in Detroit, as part of her ongoing certification. VIKI moves fluidly between sound worlds, street-smart as well as school-smart. In 2016, she co-curated Detroit’s inaugural Trip Metal Fest, which hosted Morton Subotnik, Heiroglyphic Being + Marshall Allen & Danny Ray Thompson, among many others.

VIKI has toured with Wolf Eyes, ADULT. and Paper Rad’s Extreme Animals. She is also a member of SLIKI, a duo with Stallone the Reducer. She actively practices and collaborates in live multi-channel speaker performance in acoustically interesting spaces and club situations. Drexciya’s Gerald Donald called VIKI ‘The Gary Numan of Noise’.

Photo by Joshua Brasted